As evidenced in a famed Behind Every Trucker Who Believes In Himself Is A Mom Who Believed In Him First T-Shirt . clip of Nicks getting ready with best friend and confidant Robin Snyder, she always took her cascade of dirty blonde waves into her own hands backstage, brushing and teasing them to the heavens, sometimes blithely twisting them, whichever way the proverbial wind blew, into a loose-at-the-nape knot. The queen of bohemia, her fanned-out, eyelash-grazing fringe and lived-in waves—worn up or down, alone, or accessorized with a top hat or crocheted headpiece—were as effortless and insouciantly sexy as her billowy capes and low-slung peasant skirts.
Behind Every Trucker Who Believes In Himself Is A Mom Who Believed In Him First T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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