This business of putting Don'T Tell The Dmv I Own 32 Different Drivers Liscenses In 28 States T-Shirt .I’m shutting off from now on and won’t buy the damn products they’re selling. Who wants to be grooving to a waits song and in the middle a Harley commercial comes on them! No way! Tom should really get a percentage of the sales of the dark knight, heath ledger completely ripped his voice off. I try referencing the lyrics to this with people because it says so much, but nobody ever connects. Only people who know about the girl who grew up outside Henry and Johnsburg, Illinois could or would understand or need apply. Tom Waits one of the last beat poets. This is interesting to watch as the video, but it’s almost more effective just to listen to it. This reminds me to introduce mself to my neighbours,i think i unintentionally creep them out I will give them cake,that always works. I like all the different percussion instruments and that flute sound.
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