The two t-shirts are large white standard American Apparel tees Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Sept 6 2024 Rupp Arena In Lexington KY Poster T-Shirt . I like American Apparel as much as the next person, maybe even a little more so you have zero complaints from me there. I wear a medium so some of my friends will be very happy. The stitching is impeccable and, according to the tag, the shirts were sewn by 11 people in a sweatshop-free environment in downtown LA. (Yep, the American Apparel tags are still attached. I like that.) Both tees include comic book style scenes of raccoons getting up to mischief. In one, Heist, four raccoons ripped off some beer and food from a corner grocery store and the owner is pretty miffed.
Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Sept 6 2024 Rupp Arena In Lexington KY Poster T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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