Occasionally we get requests from customers that wish to have their designs Santa's Favorite Teacher T-Shirt . embroidered in very small dimensions. this is generally inspired by labels such as Lacoste (crocodile), Ralph Lauren (The man on a horse playing polo) or Penguin (A Penguin, surprisingly). Unfortunately, many people have difficulty accepting that these logos are extremely simple in design and having these embroidered in small sizes is ok as there is no detail to maintain when shrinking them down. When it comes to detailed colourful logos though, the golden rule is the bigger it is the more detailed it will be and the smaller it is the more it has to be squashed in, text will become less sharp and overall, if it is a detailed logo it is going to look less sharp and more crowded. If your logo has a lot going on in it, the best way to get a good result is by keeping it big.
Santa's Favorite Teacher T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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